Thursday, June 23

Am I just Me? Facebook dilemma

I am a Mom of teenage girls, I am also a CEO of a small Agency, I am a family binder, bringing all members together, I am a "still-perceived-as-young" classmate to many old friends and of-course, goes without saying I am ME. 

But Facebook considers it an integrity breach if I have more than one identity. Which means I cannot actually be the ME I want to be, in my different roles in life. So here is a gaping hole in the Social longevity of an individuals profile on Facebook. It is limiting and confusing.

If Facebook doesn't take note and make provisions , to allow me to effectively manage my various profiles and associated roles, soon someone else will. 

Even for people with relatively quiet lives, Facebook, with all its merits and qualities, still tends to be a place where , no matter how candid the intent, one ends up only projecting confused parts of ones overall personality.

So here is a new niche....any takers??


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